Wednesday, 27 May 2009

The Life and Times of Tim Drake - Part 2

Robin #2 (of a 5-issue Limited Series)
“The Shepardess”
Creative Team:
Chuck Dixon – Writer
Tom Lyle- Penciller
Bob Smith – Inker

We pick up exactly where we left off. Tim and Clyde are busting heads. The gang retreats (they took the girl), and Robin tried to go after them, but Clyde is in bad condition, so Tim stays. The gang meets up with what appears to be their boss: some Euro-trash blonde dude with glasses and ponytail. This is Sir Edmund Dorrance. He's bad news, folks. He's dealing heroin and , we're told, is one of the most feared men in Asia. He's also known as King Snake. Robin took Clyde to his hotel. When he woke up, we're told that he's a DEA agent. Shiva shows up, just in time, since the gang (known as The Ghost Dragons) is about to ambush them. After a cool getaway scene (as shown in the cover), Tim rented a farmhouse where Clyde can recuperate. We found out the reason for Clyde being there: His wife and kids were murdered by King Snake. He went AWOL to avenge them. Clyde then taught Tim some new moves, but Lady Shiva pops in again, to tell Tim that he needs some elegance in his tutelage. The Asian girl with the gang? She's Lynx, and she's no ingenue.

Another solid issue. There's nothing to complain, except maybe that Tom Lyle's depiction of Shiva and Lynx, aside from the height and hairstyle, is kinda hard to distinguish. Being a Robin solo book does not mean there's no room for a supporting cast though. With a few information bits, Clyde became a very interesting character, and it's hard not to sympathize with him. This series is the first time i've seen Lady Shiva, and Dixon evidently likes her a lot, since she will become an important presence in the Bat-titles later. I admit, the main strand of this plot brings to mind action movies starring Van Damme or Steven Seagal, but as always, it's Robin's personality and character that shines through, no matter what situation he's in. He's a decent, level headed fella.

Outstanding panel: Tim's other endearing trait: his honesty.

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